Volume could not be unmounted first aid
Volume could not be unmounted first aid

After a few days adding more imported files without incident, today, after playing a dozen songs and music videos in the Catalina Apple Music App, it stopped playing. (I only lost 3,400 artwork files in the transition, but I'll be fine after therapy). I successfully transitioned my old Mojave iTunes library into a working Catalina, Apple Music App library, and moved it to the newer Seagate 8 TB external USB drive.

volume could not be unmounted first aid

The internal iMac drive has an empty iTunes library.] I wiped/erased my internal Mojave drive (Disk Util Erase), installed a fresh Catalina (from a USB thumb drive) in a new user account (not my old Mojave account), then did a Migration Assistant from a Carbon Copy Cloner backup of the Mojave data from an external USB drive.

volume could not be unmounted first aid

I recently did a fresh installed of Catalina (10.15.7) on my 2017 iMac.

Volume could not be unmounted first aid